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Hemp seed oil for dogs & cats is an effective natural solution. It can help them in many ways when used in a regular and systematic manner. It helps boost their immunity, improve and maintain good gut health, reduce shedding while promoting shinier-healthier-thicker coat, helps them de-stress and manage anxiety. With right dosage suggested by the Vet, the product can help the pets live healthier lives. It is a completely safe, organic and effective plant-based supplement that promotes overall wellbeing.

How to use Hemp seed oil for anxiety in dogs: Dogs are known for their loyalty and affection, but like humans, they can also experience anxiety. Anxiety in dogs can be caused by a variety of factors, such as separation anxiety, loud noises, and unfamiliar surroundings. As a loving dog owner, it's important to find ways to help your furry friend feel calm and relaxed.

One solution that has gained popularity in recent years is hemp seed oil. This natural remedy is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which can help regulate your dog's mood and reduce anxiety. Hemp is well known for its relaxing effects when consumed orally. If you have a pet who is hyper and needs something extra, give this hemp seed oil daily in the food.

Multi-purpose oil: It is safe to be used both topically and orally. For topical application, just massage it on your pet’s skin if you want to work on certain skin conditions. You can offer it orally by mixing it with food or just by directly feeding them.

Relieves arthritic pain: Having an old pet means dealing with issues like arthritic pain. “The anti-inflammatory properties will help heal and strengthen the body. Remember to start early and reap its benefits later!”

Magic for skin: If your pet has its mane shedding, hemp seed oil can soothe the skin and heal it, too. “it is an approved Ayurvedic product and totally safe to use”. However, always consult your vet for the right amount of dosage and duration,”

Benefits: Boosts Immunity, Reduces Shedding, Keeps the Skin Lubricated, Keeps Joints Healthy, Protects Gut, Anti-Inflammatory, Natural Omega 3 & 6

Composition: 100% raw unrefined hemp seed oil.

How to Use : Mix 1ml per 5kg daily in the food for best results.

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